
Onsite Quote Work Tips


Don't worry as Quote is not a contract, it is just a proposal. You 'll need to manage the process by yourself if you want to get the best result and outcome. Bidgigs team has been in the industry enough to know the best way to deal with them, and we're here to help. You do not need to ring around as the old school type.


- Always stay on top and maintain effective communication.

- Make an appointment at your preferable time and date. If they are late or any reasonable excuse, do not trust them.

- When the gig worker will arrive, show him the gig location. Make sure you tell him all your requirements and tasks.

- Do not forget all the little details that you need to be done. Ask them as many questions as you like, and there is nothing wrong with that.

- Remember, they are professional in their work, they will sometimes never tell you if they have already seen any constraints. They usually oversee the job before you do.

- The genuine professional worker will say to you immediately, any issues that may encounter, but others will avoid raising it and will either ask you for more money down the track or quit the job. Unfortunately, that is the most common thing that could happen.     Australia with doggy tradesmen.

- Check their licences. As many works require to have a licence. These licences cover only for their scope of work and issued by a Government Authority that manages and regulate the industry. They also have the insurance protection that covers you if something goes wrong. Sometimes they can work under someone licence.   

- You are entirely reasonable to ask a written quote, no matter the value of the job. The quote must mention the fixed price, the materials provided, the description detail of the work, GST calculation, any unforeseen cost, and the completion date.


We might not cover all aspects as every job is different, but Bidgigs is the only online platform that helps you to avoid mistakes before hiring a Gig Worker. 


What do you need to do? And mistakes you must avoid.


1. Get multiple quotes. Never rely on one quote. These will let you know how much the gig will cost you.

2. List the quote as the bid with all the professional detail you have.

3. Verify, Profile, Review feedback on our platform. Other marketplaces might write fake customers reviews or negative reviews that might not be published.

4. Choose our platform to upload your quotation and pay through our escrow account even if you require to pay for a deposit to get the job started, as this will protect you for any problem that may arise.

5. Use our checklist and ask the gig worker to complete and attach all documents that require by law for this scope of work. Remember, even that Bidgigs check their licences, ABN, or other qualification, YOU MUST PHYSICALLY VERIFY THEM because sometimes their licences might expire,  revoke, not comply with this state or territory or different personal photo identity. 


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